BOOK STAND founder Claire Cottrell transports us to Berlin for a 3 day installation of art books about the natural world, including BOOK CLUB No. 2 – an afternoon celebrating the high art of self-published printed matter and alternative shopping situations, a candlelight reading by Los Angeles-based photographer, Jordan Sullivan, a viola performance by Berlin-based Doreen Ooi, photography from The Summer Print Shop, a collection of prints about the natural world in a specific color palette.

Created by two best friends with an infatuation with Rosé, Erica Blumenthal and Nikki Huganir’s Yes Way Rosé is a pale-pink dreamworld: a gorgeous, dry-humored, laid-back and stylish place inspired by their favorite wine. Here they help you see the world through Rosé colored glasses.

INDIA– I was at Amritapuri [the ashram and birthplace of Amma, a spiritual leader, humanitarian and guru] in Kollum Kerala India for 3 nights when my friend Diana (Khalsa Kaur) showed up somewhat unexpectedly to Amma’s ashram. I knew she was in India and that we might join up somewhere at some point but had no idea yet how we’d find one another.
Rolling Stone
Barrett Prendergast is a multi-talented Los Angeles-based chef, caterer, party planner and gifter. Find her at Valleybrink Road. In celebration of summer’s arrival, and with it the earth’s bounty, she shares her beautiful recipe for stone fruit salad with arugula and pecorino romano.

Melina Meza is one of our favorite yoga all-stars. With a BA in Nutrition from Bastyr University, she’s also a certified Ayurveda Health Educator from the California College of Ayurveda who’s been exploring the art and science of yoga and nutrition for over 20 years. She combines her knowledge of Hatha Yoga, Ayurveda, whole foods nutrition, and healthy lifestyle promotion into a unique style called Seasonal Vinyasa.
Antelope Valley, CA– I had to leave New York for a second so I went to California.
Hills draped with a bright orange carpet of flowers laced with purple and yellow. Thin dirt trail necklaces. A preserve for escholtiza californica. Golden poppies.
What an elegant undertaking. The California Poppy Reserve. Parks for wildlife. Preserves for wildflowers? A gesture of confidence. Of pride. Unknown even to locals
Landers, CA– 20 miles North of Joshua Tree National Park, atop a concentrated magnetic field- rises an acoustically perfect wooden structure based on the design of Moses’ Tabernacle and the writings of Nikola Tesla.
The Integratron, a mystical, extra-terrestrial looking white dome was born from an intergalactic exchange. Venusians, specifically. During a silent night, under a full moon of August of 1953- desert dweller, aeronautical engineer and meditator George Van Tassel claims to have been woken up by a flying saucer.