Four ways to turn a frozen banana into a smoothie.
There is something so fantastic about a cup of blended fruits and vegetables. Maybe its the colors, the cold, the texture, the act of using a straw. Maybe the wonder of packing various, solid objects full of nutrition into a blender and coming a way with a delicious glass of sweet delight that is unlike any that has ever come before it. Each smoothie is a unique entity that changes with the slight variation of ingredient type and amount.
It’s pretty hard to ruin a smoothie.
As long as you stick to the things that your palette is fond of, you are on the right trail. There are really so many possibilities. I, personally, am fond of frozen bananas and almond milk so I tend to always include these in my smoothie making. These are a few good ones.
Combine all ingredients into a blender or food processor. Blend until smooth, adding more liquid as necessary. Pour into a tall glass. Drink.
Strawberry Almond Banana
3 strawberries sliced
1 frozen banana
1/2 cup frozen mango
1 Tbsp. almond butter 1 cup coconut water
Carrots and Dates
1 frozen banana
1/2 cup carrot juice
1/2 cup almond milk
2 dates chopped and de-seeded
Avocado Greens
Blend 1/2 of a small avocado 1 frozen banana
1/4 cup plain yogurt
1 large handful of spinach and/or kale 1/4 tsp. cinnamon
optional for the sweet of tooth:
1/2 Tbsp. maple syrup
Blueberry Coconut Kale
1/2 cup blueberries
1 frozen banana
1 small handful of chopped kale 2 tsp. ground flaxseed
1 tsp. shredded coconut 1/2 cup coconut water
1/2 cup rice or almond milk