Berlin boasts an amazing number and diversity of mutually cultivated space that are used as common or joint land: intercultural gardens, community gardens, self-harvest gardens, guerrilla gardens, school gardens, rooftop gardens and – the smallest of them all – planted tree bases. They pose and answer key questions relating to urban society, in particular with respect to social, cultural and biological diversity, participative urban design, city ecology, supply and consumption, education, movement, nutrition and health, solidarity, integration and civic engagement.
BOOK STAND founder Claire Cottrell transports us to Berlin for a 3 day installation of art books about the natural world, including BOOK CLUB No. 2 – an afternoon celebrating the high art of self-published printed matter and alternative shopping situations, a candlelight reading by Los Angeles-based photographer, Jordan Sullivan, a viola performance by Berlin-based Doreen Ooi, photography from The Summer Print Shop, a collection of prints about the natural world in a specific color palette.